Hi, I’m Rebekah

Photography’s impact on me:

I have been doing photography for a couple of years. In the past year, I have expanded my photography more then I ever expected. My passion was ignited by a simple camera for my birthday, which grew into years of working with others. I am so grateful for the experiences I have had taking photos.

To me, photography is the ability for people to display their emotions when they do not have the words, which gives them the option to capture memories and save them for later. It is very exciting to be the one capturing those memories and displaying my emotions through my work. I look forward to growing as an artist and allowing my experience shape me.

More about me:

I grew up in Kentucky on a farm for most of my childhood. Moving to Ohio and starting schooling for the first time taught me how important it is to work for what you want. I have always been a strong willed person who achieves what they want. This ranged from always obtaining honor roll in school to starting a business when I had the chance. I knew that I loved working with people and photography, so I made it where I could do both.

“Photography is the story I fail to put into words.” ~ Destin Sparks